michelle charette            

Researcher and PhD candidate at York University, MA from Toronto Metropolitan U

My work explores the the productive rhythms and tension between scientific knowledge practices and care. My doctoral project, “Chronic Pain Care in a Digital Age”, examines the conditions for, and consequences of a pain care landscape characterized by digital materials (think: mobile health applications, electronic surveys, and virtual and immersive reality).

reviews & responses
articles & Book chapters

SOSC31116 The Patient
York University - syllabus available upon request

Tracking Ambivalence: An existential critique of datafication in the context of chronic pain
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2024
“There is Nothing Fun About Pain”: A critical phenomenology of games for chronic pain
Philosophy and Technology 2024
Sensing the Afterlife: Multisensorial ethnography and injured minds
Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Ethnography 2024, w/ Denielle Elliott
Sonic Stories, sensory ethnogrpahy, and listening with an injured mind
Multimodality & Society 2019, w/ Liz Lima and Denielle Elliott